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Sharon's Story...




Sharon Hurkens, otherwise known as Pastor Sharon has been in full-time ministry with with her husband Stephan for over thirty years.  Her degree of a B.Sc is in Nutritional Counseling.  She is an ordained pastor, a professional life coach and a success principles coach.


Sharon is passionate about working with people enabling them to see themselves as true "Image Bearers" of God.  Everyone has a history.  Satan lies to us and many times we believe his lies that we are a product of our past, never to attain the life of purpose and fulfillment Christ came to give us.


God works through Sharon to equip you to accept your past and be healed from whatever traps Satan has you in.  She then works with you to move forward, learning to walk in the amazing, unique plan God has created you for.


She loves to speak to women in any environment, and give them hope and strength from God's Word so they can face the challenges of life and inherit God's promise of a life worth living to the fullest.


Sharon believes that it is possible, with God's help, to attain an attitude and state of peace which surpasses all understanding, despite your circumstances.


She is the author of ""Exit the Wilderness,", Enter God's Promises, "Just for Today," Jesus is Enough, and "Come to the Water.". All three are  available from Amazon.


These are a few pictures from highlights of Sharon's life. From family reunions to missions, Sharon always "stays true" to her calling.

© 2015 Sharon Hurkens 

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