Sharon Hurkens
Author, Teacher, Coach
Christian Life Coaching and Success Principles Coaching are not counseling. It is about achieving results.
Jesus says in John 10:10 : " The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."
The thief symbolizes false messiahs and corrupts people who have evil intentions. It also represents Satan. These false evil people want to steal, kill and destroy us, God's creation. Jesus pictures a heartless individual who begins by taking all he can and then kills what he couldn't have. Anything else he destroyed.
Jesus, on the other hand is the LIFE-GIVER. Satan takes life, Jesus gives life. The life He wants to give us right now is abundantly richer and fuller. This life lasts forever, yet it begins once you accept Christ as your Savior. Life in Christ is on a higher plane because of His love, guidance and forgiveness. Which would you rather have? the evil thief or the loving Shepherd?
This abundant life however, is not a life that denies problems and pain. Rather, it is a life that faces them and makes use of them. Jesus takes us through the ups and downs of life and into life itself, where there is a calm center even in the storm.
Coaching joins us together and sincerely seeks God's direction and purpose for your life and moves you towards achieving your God-given purpose and goals.
Coaching helps you to :
Live your Life purpose
Fulfill your calling
Doing the things that God wants you to do.
What is stopping you?
Fear of failure;
Lack of know how;
Lack of Faith
Nobody to help you.
Let me help you:
See yourself through God's eyes and live life as He intended;
Overcome obstacles preventing you from walking that life as intended by God;
Have clarity of your life purpose;
In your Spiritual Growth;
Overcome fear;